Bio Rentals - Discover Paris

Gallo-roman walk

Gallo-roman walk. The city of Lutetia city and the Parisii people who after courageously resisting Roman invasion finally submitted to Rome. However, in exchange they received a clean, luxurious and ordered city, worthy of the Roman military camps. Lutetia was

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Walk Haussmann

The walk Haussmann showcases specific Parisian architectural works as well as the public works of Baron Haussmann. He redesigned the layout of the city to both enlarge it and make it cleaner. 19th century, Paris was full of dark, narrow

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Medieval walk – Ile de la Cité

Medieval walk. It is the end of order and rigor of Roman Lutetia, and it is a new era of the winding, crowded and tortuous alleyways of medieval Paris. The population keeps growing, buildings are being thrown up everywhere, without

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